A MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) functions as an electronic switch, similar to a relay, and allows you to control high currents. They are particularly useful in flywheel builds for managing the motor’s current while maintaining the original trigger switches. This is especially beneficial for Demolishers, where routing heavy gauge wire can be challenging.
Although installing MOSFETs can be somewhat complex for beginners, they offer a cost-effective alternative to high current microswitches. The chosen MOSFET is highly versatile, capable of handling up to 80A continuous current and 320A in bursts. With a low gate threshold of 3-6V, it can easily be triggered by a logic signal from an Arduino board, making it an excellent choice for brushless motor builds.
The kit includes one 80A MOSFET, a rectifier diode, and a 10k resistor.
IF you are looking for an easier way to install, check out the BritNerf MOSFET Board.
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