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Tactical Gecko Magazine by Taffert Designs – FILES ONLY –


FILE VERSION – Digital files only! – There will be NO PHYSICAL PARTS OR BLASTER shipped to you! We do not offer a refund on digital products.

Stl files for the Tactical Gecko Magazine by Taffert designs. Including all different mag bumpers and different followers.

For private use only, no commercial use of the files or printed products allowed!

By purchasing this digital product, you agree to the following:
– You may not redistribute the contents of this digital product
– You may not make alterations to this digital product
– You have unlimited personal use of this digital product
– You are eligible to receive potential updates for parts already included in this kit at no extra cost
– You may use the included files for building for others at cost of filament only
– You may not sell files or printed versions of them. If you are interested in a commercial license contact Rainbow Mods & Props.

Tactical Gecko Mag by Taffert Designs – FILES ONLY –

FILE VERSION – Digital files only! – There will be NO PHYSICAL PARTS OR BLASTER shipped to you! We do not offer a refund on digital products.

The Taffert Designs Tactical Gecko mag is the new standard for the Gecko 2.0. It is the best magazine out of the three available printed Gecko magazines in my opinion. You can choose either a drum spring version or one that uses the RMP magazine spring. With this magazine you also have the option of different magazine bumpers. Since they are all a different design, none of the will match the original look. The Gecko 2.0 uses the tactical bumper by default. The Taffert Designs magazine also have a one dart higher capacity than the other two.

For more information on the magazine, check out this video.

You will get all the standard magazine body along with the three optional magazine bumpers and multiple follower options. As a goodie there is also a version for a 15 dart magazine included.

You will need either a drum spring or a magazine spring, like the RMP mag spring, to complete this magazine. HARDWARE NOT INCLUDED!

These are just the STL files for the magazine. Physical parts, blaster & hardware are NOT included.

By purchasing this digital product, you agree to the following:
– You may not redistribute the contents of this digital product
– You may not make alterations to this digital product
– You have unlimited personal use of this digital product
– You are eligible to receive potential updates for parts already included in this kit at no extra cost
– You may use the included files for building for others at cost of filament only
– You may not sell files or printed versions of them. If you are interested in a commercial license contact Rainbow Mods & Props.

This magazine is also available as printed individual part or in the full Gecko kit.

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